If we discuss about salary of Private Practitioner it depends upon skills of Doctor. Well Good Doctor (just MBBS) can earn average salary of 1 lac per month.
Let's discuss Salary of MBBS doctor working in Government Hospital as it may vary from state to state, for example in Maharashtra starting salary is 70,000/- per month. However salary of Government Doctor working in Tribal Area is 75,000/- per month.
(Note: Here for simplicity of topic we are not discussing salary of MD/MS private doctor, about which we will discuss later.)
In Maharashtra Starting salary of MD/MS doctor working in Government Hospital is 80,000/- per month. However salary of MD/MS doctor working in tribal area is 85,000/- per month.
Message for Medical Aspirant:
"Do your act and don’t think about the outcome."
-Bhagvat Gita
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